Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Operations Being Specific Business-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Business Operations Being Specific Business? Answer: Introducation According to Papadopoulos et al. (2013), the management of the business operations are being done by forming a specific business plan that can be used as the basic structure for the development of the operations. The comparison of the two business plans are developed for forming the effective analysis of the plans in terms of growth, revenue generation, functionality, and ease. One of them is Cafe Bistro Coffeehouse 'Business Plan that forms the development of a restaurant/cafe named Watertower at the Sweet Auburn District region of Atlanta. The restaurant developed would form the specific development of the operations for forming the improved processes (Software, 2017). The cafe would be developed for providing the comfortable food (influenced by the French and American cooking styles) to the customers for forming the accurate cooking traditions and excellent services to the customers. The cafe section would feature some magazines, dessert bar, and some accommodation for live perfor mers. The business plan focuses on the step by step activities and specifications to provide improvement strategies for the favouring increment of sales margin, profitability, and gross margin. The second business plan for the critical evaluation is Art Sales Custom Framing Business Plan and it is developed for forming the Hart Fraeme Gallery for providing the full service custom frame shop and fine art gallery to the visitors. The business plan consists of making the unique 11 day custom framing in compare to the 21 day lead time provided by the industry standard (Software, 2017). Hart Fraeme gallery had been developed for offering the Triopolis metro area with a unique, innovative, trend setting designs, and finalization of the products for matching the speed services along with fine quality of operations. Identification of the 3 strong components The development of coffee house/full time restaurant at Auburn District of Atlanta named Watertower requires a proper business plan for successful start up of the business. The three strong components of the business plan include the iterative nature, focus on customers needs, and management strategies (Schoettle Sivak, 2014). The Watertower coffee house development at Auburn would involve the development of the iterative plan implementation as the first strong component of the business plan. The iterative structure of the plan would assist in deploying effective control strategies for the identification of the issues and developing solutions to it. The second strong component is the focusing on the customers needs for the business plan development of the organization. The focus on the customers need would help in forming the smart deployment of the effective services to the customers and it would yield in increased amount of the number of customers. The increased number of the cust omers would be generated due to the achievement of the customer satisfaction. The significance of the implementation model would form the influential development of the operations and it would also result in forming the advanced operational processes (Javali et al., 2015). The management strategies is another important factor that results in the development of the coffee house/full time restaurant at Auburn District of Atlanta named Watertower. The management strategies would include the deployment of the sincere operations and it would result in increase of the overall revenue generation. The Hart Fraeme Gallery is deployed with the help the full time service frame shop and it would form the effective deployment of the employment methods for the sufficient management of the operations. The strong points of developing the business plan for the Hart Fraeme Gallery include the unique service to the customers, innovation technology, and unmatchable speed of operations (Johnson et al., 2015). The Hart Fraeme Gallery had been determined to provide the customers with a variety of frames for their customers. The customers would have to select a frame and the company Hart Fraeme Gallery would provide them with that specified frame delivered in just 11 days. The implication of the business plan would help in forming the effective deployment of the unique services to the customers. The innovation technology is another major factor that helps in developing improved services for the business plan. The use of innovations would help in bringing more effective services to the company . The unmatchable speed of the operations would involve the deployment of the quick services to the customers (Sharp, 2014). The customer satisfaction would help in forming the increased revenue generation. Identification of the 3 weak components The development of coffee house/full time restaurant at Auburn District of Atlanta named Watertower requires a proper business plan for successful start up of the business. The three weak components of the business plan include the dependency on the construction, time consuming in infrastructure, and absence of loyal customers. The dependency on the construction is a major weak component for the deployment of the effective business plan development. The cafe development is very much dependent on the construction activities and it would largely help in forming the accurate model of implementation. The time consuming nature for the construction activities is another factor that would result in forming the issues of the successful completion of the project in the estimated time. The absence of loyal customers is a major setback for the completion of the project. The Hart Fraeme Gallery is deployed with the help the full time service frame shop and it would form the effective deployment of the employment methods for the sufficient management of the operations. The weak points of developing the business plan for the Hart Fraeme Gallery include the expensive services, dependency on the customers interest, and obnoxious deterioration factor (Crumlin-Pedersen, 2016). The frame development services would include the deployment of large amount of resources and it would form the improved processes for the operations. It is very expensive in nature and the deployment of the project would ensure that a considerable amount of resource is being used in the project. The dependency of the project operations is on the major factor of the choice of the customers. The interest of the customers is a major source of implementing the advanced processes of the organization (Simpson et al., 2014). The obnoxious determinant factor is a major factor that forms the deployment of the effective flaw in the organization. Suggestion for improvement The development of coffee house/full time restaurant at Auburn District of Atlanta named Watertower has three weak components of the business plan namely dependency on the construction, time consuming in infrastructure, and absence of loyal customers. The use of the effective marketing strategies and innovation would help in developing improvement in the development of the full time restaurant/cafe. The focus on the customers need would help in forming the smart deployment of the effective services to the customers and it would yield in increased amount of the number of customers. The increased number of the customers would be generated due to the achievement of the customer satisfaction. The management strategies would include the deployment of the sincere operations and it would result in increase of the overall revenue generation. The Hart Fraeme Gallery is deployed as a full time service frame shop with the help of the employment methods for the sufficient management of the operations and it has 3 weak points of developing the business plan namely expensive services, dependency on the customers interest, and obnoxious deterioration factor. The use of the development plan, cost benefit analysis, and smart technology would help in dealing with the issues. The innovation technology is another major factor that helps in developing improved services for the business plan. The use of innovations would help in bringing more effective services to the company. The unmatchable speed of the operations would involve the deployment of the quick services to the customers. The customer satisfaction would help in forming the increased revenue generation. Challenges and Mitigation Strategies of the business plan Challenges of the business plan Mitigation Strategies of the business plan Dependency on the construction, time consuming in infrastructure, and absence of loyal customers: The dependency on the construction is a major weak component for the deployment of the effective business plan development. The cafe development is very much dependent on the construction activities and it would largely help in forming the accurate model of implementation. The time consuming nature for the construction activities is another factor that would result in forming the issues of the successful completion of the project in the estimated time. The absence of loyal customers is a major setback for the completion of the project. Use of the effective marketing strategies and innovation: The use of the effective marketing strategies and innovation would help in developing improvement in the development of the full time restaurant/cafe. The focus on the customers need would help in forming the smart deployment of the effective services to the customers and it would yield in increased amount of the number of customers. The increased number of the customers would be generated due to the achievement of the customer satisfaction. The management strategies would include the deployment of the sincere operations and it would result in increase of the overall revenue generation. Expensive services, dependency on the customers interest, and obnoxious deterioration factor: It is very expensive in nature and the deployment of the project would ensure that a considerable amount of resource is being used in the project. The dependency of the project operations is on the major factor of the choice of the customers. The interest of the customers is a major source of implementing the advanced processes of the organization. The obnoxious determinant factor is a major factor that forms the deployment of the effective flaw in the organization. Use of the development plan, cost benefit analysis, and smart technology: The use of the development plan, cost benefit analysis, and smart technology would help in dealing with the issues. The implication of the business plan would help in forming the effective deployment of the unique services to the customers. The innovation technology is another major factor that helps in developing improved services for the business plan. The use of innovations would help in bringing more effective services to the company. The unmatchable speed of the operations would involve the deployment of the quick services to the customers. The customer satisfaction would help in forming the increased revenue generation. Statement of lessons learnt The marketing strategies and innovation, development plan, cost benefit analysis, and smart technology are helpful for the development of the effective business plan. The focus on the customers need would help in forming the smart deployment of the effective services to the customers and it would yield in increased amount of the number of customers. The innovation technology is another major factor that helps in developing improved services for the business plan. The use of innovations would help in bringing more effective services to the company. Competencies gained during the lessons The completion of the lessons had helped in developing the improved services for the organization. The competencies acquired during the completion of the lessons are use of the appropriate development strategies, use of smart and innovative technology, and acknowledgement to project management skills. The development of coffee house/full time restaurant at Auburn District of Atlanta named Watertower has three weak components of the business plan namely dependency on the construction, time consuming in infrastructure, and absence of loyal customers. The use of the effective marketing strategies and innovation would help in developing improvement in the development of the full time restaurant/cafe. The Hart Fraeme Gallery is deployed as a full time service frame shop with the help of the employment methods for the sufficient management of the operations and it has 3 weak points of developing the business plan namely expensive services, dependency on the customers interest, and obnoxiou s deterioration factor. The use of the development plan, cost benefit analysis, and smart technology would help in dealing with the issues. References Crumlin-Pedersen, O. (2016).Experimental archaeology and shipsprinciples, problems and examples. na. Javali, C., Revadigar, G., Hu, W., Jha, S. (2015, November). Poster: Were You in the Cafe Yesterday?: Location Proof Generation Verification for Mobile Users. InProceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems(pp. 429-430). ACM. Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Estrada, V., Freeman, A. (2015).The NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Museum Edition. New Media Consortium. 6101 West Courtyard Drive Building One Suite 100, Austin, TX 78730. PapadIdentification of the 3 strong componentsopoulos, A., Britten, N., Hatcher, M., Rainville, K. (2013). Using business plan development as a capstone project for MPH Programs in Canada: validation through the student perspective.Journal of community health,38(5), 791-798. Schoettle, B., Sivak, M. (2014). An overview of CAFE credits and incorporation of the benefits of on-board carbon capture. Sharp, E. (2014). Visualizing Narcocultura: Violent Media, the Mexican Military's Museum of Drugs, and Transformative Culture.Visual Anthropology Review,30(2), 151-163. Simpson, A., Thomson, A., Anderson, D., Giberson, L. (2014). Australias first university sporting museum. Software, P. (2017).Art Sales Custom Framing Business Plan Sample - Executive Summary | Bplans.Bplans.com. Retrieved 12 August 2017, from https://www.bplans.com/art_sales_custom_framing_business_plan/executive_summary_fc.php Software, P. (2017).Cafe Bistro Coffeehouse Business Plan Sample - Executive Summary | Bplans.Bplans.com. Retrieved 12 August 2017, from https://www.bplans.com/cafe_bistro_coffeehouse_business_plan/executive_summary_fc.ph

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